Sunday, October 28, 2012


In a couple of weeks, I'll take rides on a couple of airplanes, and jump a couple of hours into the east. I'll set foot in Scandinavia, Mother of Winter, and a renewed desire for the perfect bath. I will spend a couple/few months travelling, bathing, living across European winterlands, and will return much rejuved!
I have nursed a dream for many years of creating a place for wellbeing and hot water for the place in which I live, the kind of neighborhood haven we could all use when the days get cold and the nights get long. I think there is a whole world of good to be had in a soak, a sweat, a nice long bath. The kind of good that can chase the winter blues away. I love public baths, and I'm excited to see what public bath culture looks like in Europe.
Soon coming, regularly-updated epic adventures, impressive pictures, tales of daring-do, and a great many bathtubs!