Sunday, November 4, 2012

Two Days To Go!

My bags are packed and my storage unit is full! I've done all the adult things I could think of to transform myself from a stationary community member into a mobile citizen. In the last weeks I've hugged just about everyone I know in town, and walked through all my haunts. 3 months is almost no time at all, but somehow this time I feel  the stretch of miles. All my brittle nerves settled into a smooth rising crescendo of excitement at the beginning of the week, and I've found myself easily falling into that panoramic soft-field-of-vision where I see with my heart as much as my eyes.

With the promise of "Only salt and pepper, maybe dill," as my seasoning landscape ahead, I am soaking in as many flavors as possible to keep my tongue warm for the winter. In preparation, I've kept up a brisk schedule of revisiting every single spicy favorite food and restaurant I love here. Because, really, thats a seasoning promise? Threat. Challenge! I'm travelling with a box of spices that takes up a 6th of my suitcase, and I am fully prepared to wrestle any Swedish ingredient into deliciosity!